users guide


The Wands of Ra
containing various quartz crystals
Quartz, MAAT, MAAT-6, MAAT-9 and MAAT-12 types with quartz crystals inside synchronize energy system of the human body with Earth's energy flows
by high frequencies
The Wands of Ra
containing various ferromagnetics
The types BJA Healer, BJA Priest, BJA Pharaoh with coal and ferromagnetics inside synchronize energy system of the human body with Earth's energy flows
by low frequencies


Also the«Wands of Ra» differ in intensity of the influence on your body.
This parameter depends on the crystals geometry as well as ferromagnetics origin.
Therefore for using some types of#wands it is necessary to have
a prepared energy system
If a person is relatively healthy and his aim is to improve his health, energy system and develop latent abilities, then the ideal combination will be: the «Wands of Ra»with quartz fillers (MAAT, MAAT-6, MAAT-9, MAAT-12) and BJA «Healer» or BJA «Priest» wands, filled with coal and ferromagnetic materials
Using the table below, you can choose the type of wands suitable for your body's energy system
Quartz (large-grain)
Influence frequency
High frequency of influence
Influence intensity
Low intensity of influence on the body
Level of preparedness
For weak energy system of the body
MAAT (Monocrystalline quartz)
Influence frequency
High frequency of influence
Influence intensity
Medium intensity of influence on the body
Level of preparedness
For weak/medium-developed energy system of the body
MAAT-6 (Six-faceted crystals)
Influence frequency
High frequency of influence
Influence intensity
High intensity of influence on the body
Level of preparedness
For medium/well-developed energy system of the body
MAAT-9 (Nine-faceted crystals)
Influence frequency
High frequency of influence
Influence intensity
High intensity of influence on the body
Level of preparedness
For medium/well-developed energy system of the body
MAAT-12 (Twelve-faceted crystals)
Influence frequency
High frequency of influence
Influence intensity
High intensity of influence on the body
Level of preparedness
For strong well-developed energy system of the body
BJA «Healer» (Coal and ferromagnetic filling)
Influence frequency
Low frequencies of influence
Influence intensity
Low intensity of influence on the body
Level of preparedness
For weak/medium-developed energy system of the body
BJA «Priest» (Coal and native iron)
Influence frequency
Low frequencies of influence
Influence intensity
High intensity of influence on the body
Level of preparedness
For medium/well-developed energy system of the body
BJA «Pharaoh» (Coal and meteoric iron)
Influence frequency
Low frequencies of influence
Influence intensity
High intensity of influence on the body
Level of preparedness
For strong/well-developed energy system of the body
«SHU» (Quartz and shungite)
Influence frequency
Low/medium frequencies of influence
Influence intensity
Medium intensity of influence on the body
Level of preparedness
For normal energy system of the body
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