

Six-faceted crystals
Wands implementation
The main purpose of the Wands of Ra «MAAT-6» containing six-faceted quartz crystals is the synchronization of the human energy shell with the energy flows of the Earth at high frequency and performing of mental programs, created in the mind of the healer. The quartz crystals with special hexagonal faceting are enhancing certain properties of wands.

This type of wands is available in three implementation versions - Standard, Galvanic+ and Exclusive design.
Influence frequency
High frequency of influence
Influence intensity
High intensity of influence on the body
Level of preparedness
For medium/well-developed energy system of the body
Special features of energy influence are provided due to the iron constituent of the Earth's core which is enclosed in crystal hexagons and is resonant to the hexagonal quartz structure. Therefore, the Wands of Ra «MAAT-6» with hexagonal crystals inside provide the most effective synchronization of the human energy system with the Earth
In one of the December 1998 issues of «Nature» journal the seismologists Ho Kwang Mao, Russell Hemley and colleagues from the Geophysical Laboratory of The Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C. published an account of researches into the properties of the Earth's core.
They were able to make a reconnaissance of the planet's depths by using a new technique based on X-ray diffraction and ultrasonics. In the course of the experiments, the scientists discovered that the Earth's core «responded» to signals in the same way as strongly compressed iron.
The centre of the Earth is at depths of 6,370 kilometers and subject to pressures of between 1.3 and 3.6 million atmospheres. The immense iron sphere is surrounded by a liquid mantle and has some curious properties. For example, sound waves crossing the core from East to West travel far slower than those passing from North to South. This characteristic is called seismic anisotropy.
The iron making up the core is close to its melting point and densely «packed» in crystal hexagons, hence resonantly with the hexagonal structure of quartz.
This is precisely the reason why the Wands of Ra with quartz and ferromagnetic-coal fillings synchronize the human energy system with the Earth's energy flows, since the biological water of the organism, quartz, coal, native iron and ferromagnetic materials are mutually resonant
The wands «MAAT-6» create a powerful energy shell around the human body, having a stimulating and harmonizing effect on the immune, endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems of the organism.
The special energy generated by the quartz crystals is well managed by the mental effort (the message). This kind of wands are operating as the «thoughts amplifier», that allows you to direct your psychic energy on the implementation of the specific tasks (for example - to stop or suppress any negative process in the body).

The wands with faceted quartz crystals were the tool destined for priests and healers.

Healing action

The «MAAT-6» wands are effective for:
  • A profound stimulation of immune, endicrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • Stabilizing the blood pressure in case of hypotension and also in non-chronic forms of hypertension;
  • Removal of the tension, stresses and after stress complications;
  • Preventing oncological processes (cancer), restoring the overall balance of energies in the body;
  • Cardiac rhythm recovery, removal of heart pain, removal of shortness of breath and strong palpitation in case of coronary heart disease;
  • Restoring the body's biological rhythms during long flights, improving sleep;
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • Removal of asthma attacks (of the nervous character);
The «MAAT-6» wands can be also recommended
for those suffering from:
  • Hypotonia (low blood pressure);
  • Stenocardia;
  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Diseases connected with poor circulation (including certain forms of impotence);
  • Pain in the joints in case of arthritis, arthrosis or gout;
  • Climacteric (menopausal) complications;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Sleepiness and tiredness;
  • Nervous depressions;
  • Dizziness;
The «MAAT-6» wands type is recommended for those who have MEDIUM-DEVELOPED AND STRONG energy system. Use the all types of the Wands of Ra according basic instructions you can find in the user's guide (see "The map of daily activity of meridians", "Contra-indications", etc.)

Active excipients: 6 faceted quartz crystals
Place of origin: BRAZIL, Madagaskar

- the copper and zinc cylinders of chosen «Wands of Ra» types;
- leather cases for safe keeping, transporting and wearing
the wands on a belt when practicing with them in nature;
- hand holders for using the wands at sleep period;
- copper patches-applicators for stimulating points and chakras;
- certificate of authenticity.
The standard cylinders are traditionally made of copper and zinc. This provides the main mechanism — an appearance of a potential difference between oppositely charged metals. Meanwhile, a special ratio of Golden Section proportions allows the «Wands of Ra» to be generally attuned on the human body and its energy system. Standard wands give up to 1 volt and up to 1.5 volts in saltwater. Thousands of ancient technologies users practice these instruments implemented in original shape applying foregoing galvanic couple of metals (read more at the Mechanism of action page)
A special Galvanic+ formula with gold and silver adjunction raises electrochemical potential of the wands several times. As a metal type, the gold has a higher positive charge than copper. Thus, the potential difference between the negatively charged wand for the left hand and positively charged wand for the right increases to almost 2 volts and higher. This option naturally amplifies the intensity of the wands influence on your body. Moreover, such cylinders are less susceptible to oxidation. For ordering «Wands of Ra» with reinforced galvanic plating please switch the implementation price above from Standard to Galvanic+
Exclusive design
Exclusive implementation of «Wands of Ra» implies the application of Galvanic+ layer and a manual work of the master. The gold plating and applying of other noble compounds enhance the electric potential of cylinders. Also (at customer request) the device scheme may be attuned by ratio on personal parameters of the owner's body — for faster and precise adjustment to its energy structure, which makes these wands completely individual.
For ordering exclusive wands, please switch the implementation price above from Standard to Exclusive design
*The wands with enhanced electroplating are not recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases in a severe form. In case of such ailments, you should consult with us and use standard copper-zinc wands types
All varieties of the Wands of Ra and accessories undergo 12-day cycles of exposure in the large pyramid. This gives them special properties and enables them to attune quickly and deeply to the human organism.
This pyramid is working the third 4-years cycle (since 2008)
and is the most powerful one on the planet

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